New Voice in Our Yard Yesterday

A voice I’ve never heard before
spoke to me as I walked
past the copse of oaks yesterday.

I stopped. Listening
to the pleasant sound
in our back yard
announcing something sensational.

I could still see my breath
in the early morning sun,
making me feel good,
like getting to work on time
in those years before retirement.

And then I wondered
if the new song bird in the trees
stopped to rest
while traveling south for winter.

Or was the feathered creature
seeking its mate
or declaring new territory?

I looked into the branches
to admire this source of
reveille, but failed to find it.

Today I heard silence.
Maybe we’ll meet again
when we also travel south in a few months.

-Gerald Greene 

Author of “Kaleidoscope” poetry collection Published by CreateSpace, 2017 and “Turning Losing Forex Trades Into Winners” Published by John Wiley & Sons, 2008. His blog is “Short Stories Rated G” on Facebook His short stories or poems have been published in Guide Magazine, Insight Magazine, Compass Magazine, The Flash Fiction Press, Deronda Review, A Story in 100 Words, Tiny Seed Literary Journal, Glide, Not Far From Me and Jordan Journal Collective.