To the Owlet Moth (Noctuidae)

At night you
_______shake tiled wings of moss and lichen,
________________float up from underleaf,

a speckled kabuki fan no one holds.
_________Shudder to warm grey and white wings.
_________________stares deep into night-blooming

orchid, unafraid of velvet throat.
________Reaches deep into treasure.
________________You shiver to the nearest bloom

to cover in powdered grains. Feathered antenna
________collect air, dust and gold.
________________Your wings a dewy blanket.

By Lynn Finger

Lynn Finger’s poetry has appeared in Unlost, Journal of Compressed Arts, and the Ekphrastic Review. Lynn is one of the founding editors of the forthcoming journal Harpy Hybrid Review. Lynn works with a group that mentors writers in prison. Contact: