A Haiku Bouquet

a red poppy flower near wildflowers

A delicate nude
Daisy opens to the world
Vulnerably brave

Yarrows bright yellow
Nature’s love poems for spring:
An anthology

Blue sky blushes
Spicy tender-lipped kisses
From scarlet poppies

Black-eyed Susan
Tangoing with butterflies
A golden chorus

Silver-haired Lupines
Ignite emerald meadow
In Purple-white flame

They have been waiting
Every flower a Buddha’s smile
I won’t be absent

Jiang Pu

Jiang Pu is an author, editor and translator of many textbooks and literature/children’s literature books. She holds a Ph.D. in Education from Michigan State University and M.A. in English literature from Nanjing University, and is the founder of NextGen Education. Her poetry has appeared in or is forthcoming from California Quarterly, Caesura, Topical Poetry, and elsewhere. She is a beekeeper and a nature advocate, and currently lives in the San Francisco Bay Area. www.jiangpu.org